
Thank you all for your support and confidence in me. I couldn't have won without you and I am HONORED to be Your State Senator for 4 more years. And a huge THANK YOU to all of the volunteers who helped me cross the finish line yesterday!

Dear Neighbor,

Thank You for the opportunity to serve as Your State Senator. It is an honor and a privilege and your faith in my efforts means so much to me. Throughout my career, I have promised to fight against “politics as usual” and to stand tall for what we believe. I promised I would fight to protect your freedoms and provide real, independent leadership in the Delaware State Senate. And I promised to be your voice of common-sense conservatism in Delaware.

I’ve worked hard to keep these promises. I have stood firm against wasteful big government and voted to create more jobs in Delaware, support our schools, lower taxes, protect your freedoms, help our Senior citizens, make our communities safer, preserve our quality of life; and I still will not take a pay-raise above what other state employees receive.

Together we can keep fighting for the values we share – but I need your help. I am kindly asking for your vote on November 6th.

Yours in Service,


Since 1993

Help Colin continue the fight for your rights!

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